Anyone who has ever done a home improvement project knows that it always takes longer than you think. This is why I start laughing hysterically every time a real estate agent suggests that someone "just take this wall down" on House Hunters [apparently I have been watching too much House Hunters lately.] Chances are that wall has electricity and plumbing running through it, and is inhabited by a small homeless man with squatter's rights.
So, silly me, I thought I could "just replace that light fixture."
After painting my craft bunker, I took down the round fluorescent light and found this:
Who paints a ceiling orange? No really, please tell me. [A crazy person, that's who.] Multiple theories were tossed about as to the use of this once completely dark-orange room, most of which involved human organs and illegal activities. I try not to think about it anymore.
I tried to paint over it with the color marked on the previous owner's paint chip collection as "ceilings", but that color was anything but "ceiling." I really didn't want to paint the entire ceiling, so I jumped at Jason's suggestion to paint a design over it.
Flash forward, and I am cutting giant snowflakes out of newspaper. When I got one I liked, I taped it to the ceiling and traced around it with a pencil.

Then I just filled it in with an artist's paintbrush with the wall color (Martha Stewart Whetstone Grey.) Huge props to Michelangelo, by the way, painting above your head is hard.