The tomato plants I started indoors will be transferred into larger pots soon, as well some peppers. (At least I think that's what they are. Not labeling things just makes it more fun.)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Finally. This past winter seemed like it never was going to end; last year, I started planting flowers the first week in April. Now it's almost May and our Kwanzan Cherry tree out front is just getting around to blooming.
The deck garden has now reached critical mass. I've bought so much dirt over the years that I worry about leaving it when we eventually move. I love you, dirt. [These are not all the containers I have. There are 3 more bins on the opposite side of the deck, plus several more pots waiting in the wings.]

Sprouting now are peas and lettuce. I know my lettuce is all clumpy and crowded, but over the years I have found that it's best not to try very hard when gardening. Just throw some seeds in there and water every once in awhile. Seriously, if you coddle plants too much they will laugh at you and then die just to spite you.
The hostas are popping up as well. I know that some people irrationally hate hostas; at the garden center this weekend I overheard a woman ask, "How about these?" when pointing to some, and the other person responded, "Ewww, no." You try growing anything in clay soil in a completely shaded area, and I guarantee you will also develop a love for these leafy plants.
The tomato plants I started indoors will be transferred into larger pots soon, as well some peppers. (At least I think that's what they are. Not labeling things just makes it more fun.)
The tomato plants I started indoors will be transferred into larger pots soon, as well some peppers. (At least I think that's what they are. Not labeling things just makes it more fun.)