(1) I have decided to participate in the Pinwheel Sampler Quilt quilt along (links to individual blocks are on the sidebar), hosted by P.S. i quilt. I love pinwheel quilt blocks, and that someone else will be doing all the math for me! This will also be a good opportunity to use up a lot of fabric scraps. [Also check out the flickr pool.]
I already completed the first 2 blocks (there will be 16 for the quilt along, but I think I'm going to make a total of 25 for a larger quilt.) You can see them hanging on the wall above my new sewing table! My previous table was only large enough for my sewing machine, and so I still had to get down on the floor to cut anything. Now, I have ample space to both cut and sew without crouching down on the cold basement floor. Thanks, craigslist guy who was moving to Norway the next day and sold me your Ikea desk for super cheap [even if you took it apart wrong and now I have extra hardware].