At the beginning of 2008 I decided to learn colorwork, knitting with two colors of yarn at the same time. And I did... but I haven't finished that hat yet, because as I said, I know it won't fit so I have lost all motivation. I only have about 10 rows to go, so hopefully it will be done sometime soon. The important thing is that I learned a new knitting skill.
I also discovered this (past) year that I love cables! I hope to knit a fairly complicated cable project in 2009, perhaps the Bayerische Socks. Having only knitted two pairs of socks for myself last year, I definitely need to remedy that situation. I have a number of great patterns in my Ravelry queue that are serving as motivation. I also hope to knit more sweaters, since I only finished one last year.
The great news about my impeding move is that I will once again be within reasonable distance of yarn stores, and will be able to attend Maryland Sheep and Wool this year! I also hope to join a knitting group again. I greatly miss my Delaware Knitters, who provided such great conversation and inspiration with their knitted projects. There's a lot coming up this year, and I am trying to look forward with excitement instead of stress.