Things are growing slowly but surely. Below, you can see the failed Jaywalker sock, and the crosswalker that it will soon become. I liked the look of the Jaywalker, but the darn thing would not go over my heel. Sorry dude. You're about to be ripped.

This is the first year I'm going to grow my own vegetables. I'm not sure how well this will work, with all the 100 degree temperatures and scorching sunshine and whatnot, but at least I know this Jalapeno plant will survive. This picture is totally misleading, since this pepper is only 1" long. But at least it's not dead.

In other news, I've recently started a second job. It's not really a "job," but just an opportunity for freelance editing. Unfortunately for you all, I signed a confidentiality agreement, so I can't post any horrendous writing here for us all to laugh at. It really is a pity, since I've definitely gotten my share of entertainment at other people's expense. Just know that if you submit your "book" that was based on "your own experiences," your editor will incessantly mock you to family, friends, and co-workers.
For all you readers out there, did you know that
Anne Perry is a murderer? Very interesting.