Monday, January 09, 2012

Obligatory End-of-Year Post

Wow, I just blinked, and seemed to miss the appropriate window for posting end of year mosaics. I guess that's just too bad because here are 2 more for you to feast your eyes on. These are guaranteed to be the best you've seen!*

*This is a lie.

Looking back, I didn't finish too much knitting this year, possibly because I learned to spin about halfway through the year. It kind of doesn't matter though, because after 10 years of knitting, I don't need any more hats or gloves or socks. My favorite project was my Haruni shawl, mostly because it looks the most impressive and I'm totally going to kill the lace shawl category at the fair this summer. Oh yeah, this is a throwdown. Bring it, lace knitters. Bring it.

I finished 51 books (16, 218 pages; yes, I keep track of that) in 2011. My top 5, in random order, were Someone Knows My Name, Unbroken, Kindred, No Way Down, and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I'm not setting a goal for 2012 because I will fully admit to choosing books with less than 200 pages towards the end just so I could exceed 50. And sometimes I just want to close my eyes on the bus instead of reading.

I've never been much of a resolution person, but I do have 2 goals for this year. One is to take my dumb cell phone with me when I go upstairs to the living room each night. Generally what happens is that I leave it in the kitchen, 2 floors below, then someone calls me, and then it beeps every 15 minutes. I'm totally cool with ignoring the beeping, but it seems to get on Jason's nerves (can't really blame him.)

The other is to establish a craft gifting stash. Knitting and sewing are hobbies, which means that I do them only because I like doing them. I also like making things for other people, but I hate the deadlines. I have deadlines at work, and imposed by outside forces such as the government (taxes, car registration, etc.), so I really don't want to connect them to my hobbies. Hopefully holiday and birthday presents will be made far in advance so that I don't hate December so much next year.

This is the last sentence where I say something positive like "Here's to a great 2012!" So pretend I said that.
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