We went to Ruidoso, New Mexico for a short trip - its hard to believe that this is only 3 hours from the desert (which is currently 85 degrees - yay spring!) This picture was taken from a fabulous casino/hotel on the Apache Indian reservation. It's surreal to see a giant casino, complete with an underground parking garage, in the middle of a rural mountain area. Of course we weren't staying there, but since the view was so awesome, and the building so relaxing (lots of comfy couches), I'm hoping to scrape together the cash to stay there on our next visit. (Inn of the Mountain Gods)
Since I am currently on spring break (ahh, my last spring break ever), I've had a little time to knit. I started Green Gable, which I've had my eye on for a while. I know from experience that ZephyrStyle patterns knit up really, really small, so I bought extra yarn - Cotton Fleece on sale! I'm hoping to wear this to Maryland Sheep & Wool in May, so I have incentive to finish it within a month.