A couple weeks ago, I had a case of start-itis, where I was determined to make things out of all of the stray yarn in my closet. You see, while most people have a problem with stashing large amounts of yarn, I hate having stuff. I LOVE throwing things away, giving things to Goodwill, etc. (I get this from my mother, who claims she doesn't even want furniture in her house anymore.) Thus, my knitting basket overflowed with projects I don't really care too much about, but must be finished just so I don't have so much yarn anymore.

The thing that will probably save me from any future yarn problems is this, a log-cabin like scrap blanket. It's not going to be the traditional square round-and-round type log cabin, but rather a more abstract type of creation. I've got about a 2-foot square piece, and there is no end in sight for this monster. I suspect it will take years to complete, but that's ok with me.